Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mash It Up; American Gangster. //

Shawn Corey Carter... or to us; Jay-Z. He's an icon in the music industry, building his "empire" slowly and steadily. Already, he's recorded 10 records, each going at least platinum, 8 Grammy awards, owner of the New Jersey Nets, married to Beyonce Knowles, founder of Rocawear, and its goes on and one. Very impressive.

Anyway. His latest work, not including new stuff from Blueprint 3, was American Gangster.

If you know already, a film with Denzel shares the same name; American Gangster.

Jay-z's album American Gangster was inspired by the film, making this his first "concept" record.

Anyway. With the release of the album, an acapella version was released as well. This gave the opportunity for producers and DJs to create their own American Gangster album. Ever since its release, there are dozens upon dozens of remixed albums

I've heard my share of American Gangster remixes, but two in my mind stand out:

Brooklyn Soul - Jay-Z and Marvin Gaye

American Gangsters - Jay-Z and Frank Sinatra

Definitely check these out. Very good listens, even if your not fans of hip-hop.

So yeah. Thought I'd share. Till later.


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